Knowledge Graph Image from Google Search Results

JSON-LD Schema for Local Business

Adding schema markup to your website will help you organize and display data pertaining to your business in search results which can help your click through rate. If done correctly, the data will end up being displayed beautifully in the knowledge graph, giving users access to your company name, address, contact points, reviews, social profiles, images and more all in a nicely framed box on there device.

There are elements that every local business should include in their markup to make sure that these results are displayed properly. The most important elements that should be included in their structured data markup include:

  • NAP (Name, Address, Phone)
  • Description
  • Business Hours
  • Reviews
  • Social Profile using the sameAs propery
  • Business Logo
  • URL of Business Website
  • Geo Location
  • Telephone Number for the Business
  • Email Address
  • Image
  • Price Range

*As of the date this article was published, if you don’t add the image property, and priceRange property to your markup, testing your markup using the Google Structured Data Testing Tool will result in an error for the missing image property and a warning for the priceRange property.

This indicates that Google is starting to tell us what type of data they want to make available in the knowledge graph. Google is constantly refining the data in the results they return and those properties are important to what Google is currently displaying in the knowledge graph.

There are additional markup elements that can be very useful to your business that you might want to explore:

  • Products
  • Videos
  • Events
  • Coporate Contacts

Those are just a few. You can markup everything from Recipes to a Reservations. Depending on what your business specializes in, you can organize all the data pertaining to your business and help Google display exactly what you want to show your client base.

Below is an example of JSON-LD Schema for a local business that has everything needed to pass the Google Structured Data Testing Tool with flying colors.

<script type="application/ld+json">
  	"@context": "",
  	"@type": "LocalBusiness",
  	"name": "ACME Local Business",
  	"description": "This is where you will write out the description for your local business.",
  	"openingHours": "Mo-Fr 08:00-20:00",
  	"email": "[email protected]",
	"faxNumber": "+1-555-555-1111",
	"telephone": "+1-555-555-2222",
	"logo": "logo.png",
	"url": "",
	"image": "image.png",
	"hasMap": "googlemapurl",
	"paymentAccepted": "cash, check, credit card, invoice, paypal",
	"priceRange": "$$",
	"address": {
		"@type": "PostalAddress",
		"addressCountry": "United States",
		"addressLocality": "City Here",
		"addressRegion": "State Here",
		"postalCode": "12345",
		"streetAddress": "123 Street Dr."
	"geo": {
		"@type": "GeoCoordinates",
		"latitude": "31.11",
		"longitude": "-111.33"
	"sameAs": [
	"aggregateRating": {
		"@type": "AggregateRating",
		"ratingValue": "5",
		"reviewCount": "50"}

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